Hey there :)
It's slowly warmer in Tokyo, Japan.
How 'bout where you live in?
I wrote the kanji for Troy, who sent me this message.
What's the kanji for Troy!?
As I told you before(If you read my previous posts),
There are sooooo many kanji, many meanings, and many pronunciations.
I said I wrote kanji for Troy(of pic above),
but if ANOTHER Troy ask me to write his kanji-name in the future time,
It may or maynot be the same kanji.
It's hard to explain, but
I just want to say I wrote for one and only, Troy.
The kanji for THE Troy is this.
Jaaaaan!! (It's ''Ta-da!!'' in Japanese!!haha)
The second one is ''ro'', which means group, company, friend, party.
The third one is ''i'', which means clothes.
Clothes can wrap our body gently,
therefore, this kanji is often considered to have gentle atmosphere.
Some japanese parents choose this kanji with their wish for their child to be a gentle and warm person.
The reason why i chose these kanji is
i thought these kanji suit him(and his character).
I hope he likes it :D
Thx for visiting and reading, MATANE!!
Kentastic :)
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