Hey there!!
Today, i wrote the kanji for Wynona from Canada.
What's the kanji for Wynona!?
i wrote her name in kanji like this,
The first kanji is ''Ui(Wy)'', which means first/new/innocent.
The second one is ''nou/noh'', which means talent/function.
The kanji is used like below.
ka nou-possible
ki nou-function
gei nou-performing arts
tan nou-be satisfied
sai nou-talent
sei nou-ability
nou ryoku-ability/capacity
ka nou sei-possibility
The third kanji is ''na'', which means greens/vegetables.
i heard her motto "You laugh at me, because I'm different. I laugh at you, because you're the same.",
and i thought these kanji suit her.
i think people who has a special talent,
or people who tries to do something new which nobody did it, are sometimes laughed.
but i thought i should challange myself to anything with strong heart,
just like the growth of greens, not defeated by rain and wind.
i put the thought in kanji and i chose these kanji!!
i hope she likes it :D
Thx for visiting and reading, MATANE!!
Kentastic :)
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