Hi, everyone!!
In the other day, i went to the beauty salon, and i had my hair cut and colored.
Like this,,,
i have dyed my hair matte yellow-green and plutinum-color, so my hair got clearity in the lights.
how do you like it!? :)
Therefore, i'll tell you about kanji relating to the hair.◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎◼︎
What is the kanji for hair?!?!
This kanji is made of the image of a person with long hair and flowing hair, and it's just like a hieroglyphic characters.
The parts expresses a person with long hair, and flowing rich and glossy hair,
but same parts are used in other kanji characters with other meanings.
Interesting kanji for Hige!!!
We can find that parts in the kanji for Hige.
The three kanji below are all read hige, but they have delicate difference of meaning, which is mustache, beard and whiskers.
in the other way, there are kanji for the part of japanese coiffure of maiko/geisha.
in the picture above, the kanji of Bin is for the side part,
Mage is for the back of the head,
and Tsuto / Tabo is for around the neckline.
Tsuto / Tabo have same meaning,
Kyoto and west-japanese call it Tsuto, and Tokyo / Edo and east-japanese call it Tabo.
At last there kanji for a mane and a wig.
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