Hello, everyone!!!
Thx for reading, MATANE :D
i'll tell you 'bout ‘‘SETSUBUN’’ culture today.
What's SETSUBUN???
SETSUBUN is a name of a day, which is once a year.
The day means division of seasons.
The kanji for SETSU means SEASONS, and the kanji for BUN means DIVISION.
It is said that SETSUBUN was the end of spring, summer, autumn, winter in the old lunar calender,
but today, it means only the end of winter after Edo period.
It will be the 2nd or 3rd or 4th of February.
What will Japanese people do on the day??
On the day, Japanese people do ‘‘MAME-MAKI’’.
MAME is beans, and MAKI means scatter.
So, we throw roasted soy beans outside and inside our house as saying ‘‘ONI WA SOTO, FUKU WA UCHI!!!’’
It means like ‘‘Devils out, Fortunes in!!!’’.
After throwing, we eat other roasted soy beans that is same numbers of our each age.
If you were 20 years old, you'll eat 20 beans.
and we pray for happiness and good health throughout the year.
It is very famous event of the day.
If you visit Japan in the first week of February,
there are some temples and shrines, which you can experience it.
A Special Sushi on the day!!!
We also eat E-HOU-MAKI on the day.
EHOUMAKI is a Sushi roll, which includes 7 toppings inside it.
There are seven deities of good-luck in japan, so we use 7 toppings for it.
In the kanji of it,
E means good-luck,
HOU means direction,
and MAKI means roll.
(The word ‘‘MAKI’’ of EHOUMAKI(Sushi) and MAMEMAKI(throwing beans) are different word.)
We eat it as facing ‘‘Good-Luck Direction’’, and that of 2016 is South-southeast.
When we eat EHOUMAKI, there are some rules to welcome hapiness.
①to face EHOU(good-luck direction), and don't looking away
②without speaking until finished with the sushi
it is said that good-luck will be gone, if you speak
③without stopping
If you see the family throwing beans as shouting some japanese words, or
If you see people eating Sushi without stopping in silence,
Plz don't surpised at it :) hehe
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